CNB Computers
CNB Computers Inc. is in an industry where a single percentage point can make or break profitability on any given transaction. When 3PL Links Inc. took over all of CNB Computers' shipping needs, CNB saw a reduction in logistics costs by as much as 7-8%! “These numbers are huge,” says Bony Chhabra, Managing Director at CNB, “and they help to make CNB Computers competitive in a very tough market.”
Experiencing rapid growth, CNB Computers has moved to larger premises to handle the increased volume. All of this in an industry where others are closing up shop. How do they do it? By paying very close attention to the bottom line. And 3PL Links helps CNB Computers do just that. By leveraging volume commitments with a select group of suppliers, 3PL Links is able to negotiate the very best price for all their clients’ logistics needs.

Refurbishing and Testing name Brand Computer Equipment.
Working closely with Don Fleming, Operations Manager at 3PL Links Inc., Bony requires products to be shipped daily to and from many areas of the United States and Canada. CNB Computers buys large quantities of name-brand end-of-lease computers, refurbish them, and sell the reconditioned units to large educational, industrial, and non-profit organizations. As Bony points out “My clients are wisely spending their money on equipment that more than meets the needs of their respective end users. No need to buy the latest when perfectly adequate equipment is available at a fraction of the cost.” To learn more about CNB Computers visit their website here.
Bulk quantities of refurbished computers translate into savings for many institutional end users. The same philosophy applies to your logistics needs. At 3PL Link,s we know there is no need to spend more than is absolutely necessary and we’ll show you how.