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Why Logistics Consulting is an Important First Step

Logistics Consulting

External, third-party consultants must bring expertise that enables the solving of a specific issue or series of issues within a set budgetary resource that cannot be addressed internally. Certainly, logistics consulting is one such skillset; it's a necessary function of most businesses, on which few companies maintain internal experts. The word “consult” has a Latin root meaning “to discuss,” and that’s all most consultants do - they chatter away until you’ve answered all your own questions, then formalize that input, take credit for it, and send out a bill. Logistics consulting most emphatically does not fall into this category. As noted, the only time an individual or company really benefits from expert third-party consultation is when highly specialized, technical expertise is a prerequisite and when no internal knowledge-base is available to resolve the problem. Because logistics concentrate on such specific areas, few companies have their own in-house authority. Getting it Wrong Making one small mistake with logistics can bring an entire business to a grinding halt. If materials can’t be shipped in, or product shipped out, nothing is made and nothing is sold. No revenue can very soon translate to no business. That’s why logistics consultation is such an important first step toward avoiding all those problems. Impeccable supply chain management, materials handling, warehousing and transportation are all integral to corporate success. Get them right and your product can thrive; get even one aspect wrong, and your entire business can sink. Great customer service is a prerequisite in the competitive marketplace, and when an order doesn’t turn up, on time and perfectly picked, that’s the worst kind of let-down. Getting it Right 3PL Links, Inc gets it right the first time - every time. Comprised of highly trained logistics professionals, the company manages global supply chain, order fulfillment and logistics systems for some of the world’s biggest players in industries as varied as construction, food production, hospitality, retail, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and more. By helping our clients to reduce costs, we enhance their bottom line. By improving supply chain systems, we reduce lead time on orders, thus increasing customer satisfaction. Because we deal with transportation management, distribution and warehousing all in-house, we bring dynamic purchasing power and up-to-the-minute technology to every client’s contract, regardless of size. Only by working with third party warehousing/transportation experts can most businesses hope to access such a suite of assets and services. That’s why logistics consulting is an important first step toward:

  • An increased bottom line

  • Happier repeat customers

  • Stress-free supply chain function

  • Instantaneous information available on the location of both raw materials and finished product

For more information on our logistics consultation services, please call us on (905) 850-9002, send us an email at, or use our Contact Us form and one of our specialists will call you back at your convenience.


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